With a desire to settle the figure of the girl in the first place, pay attention to your diet. The change of eating habits is the correct solution in the current situation, however, achieving the perfect look with the help of the correction of the letter is not going to work.
To Help to resolve the issue can be effective exercises for slimming the abdomen and the sides at home for women. Today there is a whole complex of influences, intended to improve the appearance of the form, in the waist area.
An indiscriminate impact on the problems of the area can cause the stomach not only does not decrease but may even increase. So, the experts recommend without downloading it to press until excess weight to the waist will not disappear. This will lead to an increase of the muscles, but it does not reduce the volume of the waist. There are a number of rules that must be followed to achieve a perfect figure, of this and we'll talk more later.
How to determine the excess weight
Often, the ladies refer to the state of way too demanding. In fact it turns out that it is not necessary to reduce the weight, and the exercises can only be considered as a way to keep the shape. Today, there are several ways to be sure that the correction weight is really necessary.
Understand, if it's worth to lose weight and adjust clearly the area affected will help to:
- waist to hip ratio,
- the rating called body mass index,
- the circumference of the waist.
Start the measurement you must check the correlation of the dimensions of the waist and hip. You need to measure more closely in the part of the waist and the widest part of the hips. The values that must be divided. If the final result is 8.0 or more, there is an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. In this case, the girl must urgently adjust the menu and start to do sport.
Another method is the determination of the rating called body mass index. The indicator is the number of kg, 2 times divided by the quantity of growth.
If the resulting value was the following:
- under 16 – the deficit of body mass,
- 16-18,5 – low weight,
- Of 18.5-25 – normal weight,
- 25-30 – overweight,
- 30-35 – obesity grade 1,
- 35 to 40: obesity grade 2,
- more than 40 obesity grade 3.
The last test, to determine whether it is worthwhile to begin to reduce the weight of the measurement of the circumference of the waist. For the execution of steps that you should take a roulette and measure the belly and protrusion of the mouth at the level of the navel. You should breathe normally. If the resulting number was more than 86 cm, it is urgent to establish a training program, adjust the menu and begin to address.
Effective for fit of the structure
For the financial year has benefited from sporting activities must be done correctly. For the effect on the muscles gave a result, the most important classes must be regular. Train for 30-60 minutes several times a week. To Help reduce the weight you can and efficient for the load to lose weight. A girl has to make a rule of practice consistently, if you are going to resort to a set of loads through time, will have no effect.
Keep the good physical shape not only in the hot tub. To speed up the metabolic processes, the experts advise to leave the premises and to practice outdoor. To reduce the weight, can be applied not only to the relatives of the aerobic exercises.
The experts claim that the fastest fat burning allow intensive of torque for the correction of the belly. For this reason, it is better to give preference to them. Doing this type of exercise, the little girl is going to train with a heart rate of 60-85% of the maximum level of heart rate. However, for the beginners of this complex is not adequate. Moving from the intensity of the load, under a clear of the supervision of a trainer.
To achieve the ideal of the press will help the following types of loads:
- walking
- bike
- run
- swimming
Occupying exercises for slimming the abdomen in the nature, the girl not only improves the state of the form, but will have the burden of joy and good humor.
If you've always wanted to suffer from back problems or joint pain, it is better to give preference to study on a stationary bike or ellipsoid. Deal with only after consultation with a specialist. We will investigate the situation and will tell you how to proceed to reduce the size of the waist, but do no harm to the health.
Take better care of the music, which will allow you to grow to create the mood and help to devote more time and greater efficiency. Don't forget the training. She helps to prepare the muscles to new pressures and minimizes the risk of injury and the appearance of eugen end, d, of the sensations are painful. A similar effect has pull.
Today, there is a list of exercises that allows you to adjust clearly the area affected. They will help the girl to give the problem area a perfect look. However, we must not forget to do regularly. In addition, to achieve the ideal of the press is possible only in case that the fashionista in parallel with the load to the diet, in the contrary case, to reduce the weight is not going to work.
It is necessary to adopt the following position: lying on your back, bend your legs and feet to the east to put all the surface in the soil. Of the hand it is necessary to have behind the head or crossed on the chest. When the correct position, you should breathe deeply and as you exhale lift the trunk. Then, you must go back to take a deep breath and go back down to the starting position. At the time of the action the man puts pressure on the muscles of the press.
The bike

It is necessary to fall in the ground, bring the hand over the head and hook a padlock. Then the distance required to lift a 30-degree angle and begin to spin imaginary pedal. The duration of a approach is 1 minute. After the completion of the execution of the impact in the press and in the stomach, you must return to the starting position, and then repeat several times. To achieve an effective for weight reduction of the duration of the breaks should be no longer than 2 minutes.
Crunch with legs
This complex helps to eliminate belly, which is done in the following situation: a girl is lying on the back, legs, rises vertically upward and crosses. Then, you must perform the same movement as when classical spins. The breathing must be done, when there is a descent of the trunk, and crossings of legs, the output during the run time of the elevation. After you complete the steps to return to the initial position. You should perform 10 to 15 times within the 3 approaches should be done in a row.
The tuk-tuk
It is necessary to adopt the following position: lying on a hard surface. Hand-in-hand to put along the body, the legs is required to lift above the floor and start tapping them between 3-5 times. Hereinafter, the leg should slowly lower, returning to the starting position, perform 9 times.
Strap with curves
Adopt the standard position of the strap. To look is forward. Keep the body in this position for 30 seconds. Then, if the breath does not lose its, go to the lateral position of the belt. Standing in the position of 30 seconds, run on the other side.
Circular rotation
To adopt the correct position to go in the back, bring the hand over the head, the legs bend their knees and put stood up. Slightly too tight of a press and squeeze the ribs toward the hips. Then, slowly, making the circle of the upper part of the body and back to the starting position. The muscles of the press all the time must be strained. Repeat 5 times in one and 5 times on the other side.
The bending of the knees bent
The exercise has an impact on the abdominal muscles and the back. For its implementation should take the following position: leaning with your elbows on the floor and knees. The feet should be on the socks. Adopting the pose, you have to strive and break your knees off the floor, hold 3 seconds and return to starting position. The back should try to keep the line straight. Repeat 10 times. Make 2 approach.
To lose weight faster, the girl must take it correctly the desired position, and perform the corresponding actions. The execution of the above-described, of the complex, you can make a daily part of the load.
The compliance of simple recommendations presented in this article will enable you to grow to the girl to keep their press and the shaped waistband, and a hot tub complex you will have to perform just to keep the muscles in good shape.
The opinion of an expert
I want to say that the subject of local fat burning quite "slippery" and called the mass of the disputes between the dietitians and the fitness trainers. Numerous studies have shown that exercise a physical training the muscles in the desired area, but little influence in the is there fat. Yes, as a result of training it produces a local acceleration of the blood flow and lipolysis, but it is so small that it practically does not influence the thickness of the fat layer.
The interesting results have been given, a study conducted in the year 2007. It was demonstrated that physical exercise may cause a greater loss of weight in areas in which the person is not trained.
So if you have the intention of losing weight locally", is not emphasized in the exercises, and pay attention to nutrition. And always watch local for cosmetic procedures. In combination with diet and exercise help a lot more fast burn fat in the right place. The good effect gives massage, hot and cold, wraps, contrasting the soul.
Remember, however, that the local weight loss not always gives satisfactory results. Yes, you can lose a few inches, but not there, where he had planned.
Tips for coaches
The trainers advise people who are overweight and the folds of fat in the abdominal area-time track of your state of health, as well as resorting to the rules of effective weight loss and a healthy lifestyle.
Among the highlights distinguish the following factors:
- During the consumption of food must be totally in it to concentrate. It is important to think of the way the Russian language and not think about the negative things.
- You can't avoid eating in excess, it is welcome, if of the table the man got up with a slight feeling of hunger.
- It is necessary to practice the separation of the power – eating 5-6 times a day.
- Be sure to drink in the evening a cup of broth and kefir.
- When there is hunger previously you should drink a glass of water. In the first place, the stomach is full and no signs of immediate food consumption. In the second place, often the sensation of thirst person perceives wrongly – as the sensation of hunger.
- It is recommended to find interesting mobile sports – hobbies and hobbies that can replace the tedious training session in the hot tub. You should perform light exercises like taking the stairs, walking more, using the purchase of the store in the hands, and not with the motion of the machine.
- Religious people can read before each use, the food of the prayer. If this is not enough to simply give thanks to life for this plate of food.
All of the recommendations you can forget it, if you think positively. Lose weight in the active lifestyle – the meeting with friends and family, meaningful activities, and to always have fun and smiling with her radiant smile.
"Shed excess fat from your body is very difficult, and I think many will agree with me. With the help of these effective and simple exercises I have been able to get rid of excess fat. I step in the charge of a little bit of time, but 2 times a day and follow a correct diet."
"Since we don't have a lady and at my age, problem areas, clearly visible, and hide its almost impossible. The husband advised her to carry daily. In their individual physical education I spend just 20 minutes each morning and what you think? The result is not made me ğsemántica. The abdominal muscles are strengthened and the excess fat has been lost after 3 months."
"Although I am a young girl, but the problems with the height of the waist I also have. What to do with them, I did not know. In the room is gone, only the feet is disappointing, and here is to get rid of what I wanted, it didn't work. Every morning my mother decided to make and torsion bar. I thought, if it is honest, that's not me, this works, but the result is very good."