The history of the common people, who have managed to lose weight, real photos before and after the diet are the strong, and sometimes the only incentive to work above its figure. In our article — the clients about different ways to lose weight and the photo of the confirmation.
Weight loss: the clients, the photo of before and after

Many young women who seek to lose weight, in the achievement of the objectives lack of support. Close of human beings do not want to recognize the importance of the company's slimming, not of a friend to go hiking in the gym, and everything just do what they eat delicious calorie cooking. In this case, as only the ladies. Someone takes your fist and going down to the success through all the hardships. And someone is looking for more forms of motivation.
This motivation can be the display of photographs of people who have managed to get rid of body fat. On the internet you can find a photo of the report to any diet or set of exercises. To see, what to healthy, rejuvenated and become the people after losing weight, and will be charged the patience for this difficult fight.
Celebrities: the history of weight loss before and after pictures
The stars of the telepantallas always special care, so they can't afford to relax. They should give a good impression. But famous people also have their weaknesses. Someone gains weight after the birth, someone with the figure of the spoils of the disease. And others, simply, at some point you allow yourself not to eat in excess. Constantly seeing the stars on the screen, it is difficult not to notice changes in your body. Therefore, in the authenticity of your photos of before and after of the doubt, can not be.
Popular singer paulina gagarin during pregnancy and the postpartum period, and to improve in a 40 kg Many have cancelled their accounts, but what is the universal surprise, when after a year the girl returned to the scene perfectly consistent. The secret of paulina gagarina — special food of a scheme based on the principles of alternating mono-diet. The own singer joked, about a dozen of kilos have been gone from it after the conversion at the blonde. As is known, the stress trap the fat in the body, therefore, when paul has escaped from a vicious circle of the concerns of the young mother, her body began to change himself.
Dana borisov has always been known for its irresistible beauty. However, in 2011, for unknown reasons slim tv presenter got more than 15 kg, has Helped dane, fruit-vegetable diet. Today the woman looks so elegant and effectively, before the marking of weight.
Irina is difficult to stay in shape, because it has a tendency to gain weight. In adolescence I was pretty exuberant forms. The fullness of the returned to the singer after the birth of your child. But the girl did not despair, and asked the specialists. Thanks to liposuction and eating plan, she has developed a nutritionist, irina has managed to lose weight so, to show their photos in the franco bikini.
Delivery have changed the way the national and the favorite ani Lorac. The singer Ukrainian acted, being complete, which is not liked nor herself, nor the fans. But the special program of dance, as well as the excess of physical activity helped the girl to return the proportionality.
Diet: the results of weight loss photos before and after
To obtain the figure of their dreams, the female half of the population resorts to the most various regimes. This can be the systems of reputed doctors, the schemas of the internet, plans diet of the nutritionist. To view the results of the diets, take a look at the customers about them in the forums on the internet.
In the Dukan diet slimming people all over the world. This special system, thanks to which you can lose 1 boring pounds and over 40 pounds of fat. French doctor has developed a schema of power for the entire life, with the desire of customers to times overeating harmful or calories.
The popular television personality ellen malysheva is also the medical certificate. By the requests of the viewers of ellen was several feeding programs to lose weight without risks to health. The tv presenter has its own web site, where are presented all the recommendations for slimming down, and also has a section where you can see the before and after of weight loss of the photos that make up the whole gallery.
Catherine Mirimanova became known thanks to his book "the System of less than 60". This strong-willed woman has managed to restore the 60 kilos for the program itself, which she presents in her work. Motivate are photos of the catalina, that of the mother before delivery has become a bright lady.
Aerobic exercises in water to lose weight: the photo of before and after

Water aerobics is a type of exercise, similar to aerobics but the classes are taught in the water. Water aerobics physicians recommend that individuals after the operation, and injuries, as well as exercises in the pool is the best way to recovery. The water keeps the body, making it possible to physical exercise for people with disabilities.
Aerobic exercises in the water strengthens the body, accelerates metabolism, normalizes sleep, improves immunity, revitalises the body. Visiting the workout in the pool, you can be confident in the tone of his nervous system, good humor, joy, physical strength. Water aerobics is shown to the elderly, pregnant women, women, even the newly-born.
But, what is the time of acqua-gym to lose weight? As it says in the comments to this procedure, in itself, aerobic exercises in water to lose weight does not work. In essence, any sport is a useless, if after you go back to eating in excess. However, in combination with a proper diet, training in the pool gives excellent results. Visiting the program three times a week, you will notice how stretchy and soft they became in the skin. The representatives of the beautiful sex you can be sure that after a month of cellulite will be less pronounced.
Aerobic exercises in the water help in the first place to model the figure. As seen in the photo, not even a full can a girl with the help of the aptitude to make their volumes even more attractive. During Aerobics in the water occurs the strengthening of the muscle tissue, the correction of the problem areas, the reduction of the percentage of adipose tissue in the body.
Running for weight loss: the photo of before and after
Running — the type of charge that is available to all. Of course, if you don't have to it contraindications. If there is no money or time in the group classes of fitness, running can afford the luxury of any full person. Running does not require an inventory, which makes it the most wanted way of losing weight.
It is known that the power of the load and contribute to the growth of the muscles. And, behold, intense exercises are necessary just to break down body fat. Can you lose weight with the help of the race? In the photo you see the result of running over 7 weeks.
By the way, go for a run by the men choose most frequently to women, because many of the representatives of the strong half of those who do not want to commit to the class group and class.
For weight loss running is necessary regularly, preferably every day. The running speed is easy to calculate by the pulse. If during an exercise, the heartbeat is accelerated up to 150 and above, reduce the intensity of the adults.
Start with a distance of 1 km and gradually increase your. At the end of the first month, you should spend already 2 km away, while in the second month is 3-4 km more sweat you lose, the better it cleans your body of toxins. This is why the experts recommend running at wind-proof and sustainable clothing.
Immediately after a workout forbidden to drink and eat. Do this after one hour. And here, before you run is better to refrain from food in a period of two hours.
Home fitness: full of people before and after slimming, the one in the picture
To practice fitness without instructor and in the home, you need a high shutter speed. Many people start the training with enthusiasm, but after 1-2 weeks each time there are more distractions outside, and the classes in short, are postponed until not cease at all.
Help with motivation can be actual photos of people who have managed to find the strength to strictly follow the training program.
In the internet age will not necessarily join a gym, spend money and time in group conversations. Simply look in the appropriate network video with the complex of exercises and repeat for the instructor.
The hoop for slimming: the photo of before and after
The fat on the female body is mainly localized in the abdomen, the sides of the hips. This process is related to the protection of the reproductive organs. Women by nature have rounded hips and slightly protrudes to the lower part of the womb, as it is due to its function of procreation. And if in the body, appears excess fat, spoils the waist or not at all hidden.
Slimming down does not make a perfect figure. Even leaving the kilograms, the coveted wasp waist and can not see. Then come to the help of sports equipment for the correction of the belly and sides — hula hoop to lose weight. Photos of before and after using speak eloquently on the effectiveness of this projectile.

The torque of the wrap takes just half an hour a day. In addition, as exercise can be performed with the music or the serial favorite. A lot of girls in your references point out that almost do not feel the ring in the waist, and a half-hour workout is not exhausted. However, the result isn't expected. In a few weeks you'll see how it shapes the waist and mouth is made smaller.
The basic rules for beginners:
- For the first lessons, choose the more lightweight plastic hula hoop.
- The exercise begins with 5 minutes a day. If the ring is constantly decreasing, do not worry: very soon you will learn how to easily twist.
- To warm up the body before exercising. To do this, follow a few simple movements.
- During the rotation of the ring try not to move the pelvis. Stand with your feet set more high or more, as you feel comfortable. That will already be on their feet, the greater the load on the muscles of the abdomen and thighs, therefore, concerned with time, be fully dense knees.
- Practice the well-ventilated interior.
- Turn the ring on a regular basis. It is desirable that the training was every day.
- When you feel more confident, change of easy hula hoop in the charged, and after him, use the massage service by a projectile. Every time you will increase the work load, changing the ring on her waist, bruising may be seen. In them there is nothing wrong with the darkening rapidly drawn down and the pain disappears. However, the specialists do not recommend to begin immediately with the heavy hoop, as well as with dannoy can damage. Roller girls is a risk of damaging the internal organs.