How to lose weight by using a diet without harm to health?

Excess weight today, it is one of the main problems in all over the world. This happens due to the fact that people eat food that is harmful, and if you try to eat healthy food, do it wrong.

Another cause of excess weight is the lack of even the minimum of physical exercise. Our article intends to find out what is easy to the slimming diet and how it works.

What are the methods effective?

diet for weight loss

Lose weight in two ways:

  1. use of medicines and biologically active supplements. In this case, you must be extremely careful and before taking any drug make sure to consult with the doctor. Another disadvantage of this method is important enough, the cost of the supplementation. Imported products and Badi cost a lot of money, and luxury hotels analogues will not give positive results;
  2. it is for this reason that many decide to follow a diet and a proper diet. Since this method is not as expensive and less dangerous. In addition the diet offers fast and easy to break with overweight.

The rules of slimming

To get rid of the extra pounds, it is necessary to follow certain recommendations:

  1. the correct food intake. The food should be consumed not less than 3-4 times a day in small portions. The cutlery to use small size, to that in come, no more than 250-300 g of food;
  2. the calorie counting. To do this, you can consult a dietitian to determined the amount of calories taking into account the characteristics of an organism, or that have their own account. Today especially designed to the formula of counting can be found in open access on the internet, it is very easy to use. Combination of the diet in function of the accumulated values. To do this, use the existing tables in the energy intake of the products;
  3. products. A wide variety of foods should be consumed at a particular time of day. In the breakfast, ideal for a meal rich in complex carbohydrates. At dinner, it is best to eat vegetables, fish, kefir, cheese and other fermented milk products;
  4. consume the necessary amount of water. The human body is 80% water. Therefore, for the correct operation, it is recommended to drink a lot of fluid. Doctors recommend to drink a day for at least 1.5-2 litres. The amount of tea, coffee is not included in the standard. If the weight of a person more than the established norm, or engaged in heavy physical work, the amount of fluid necessary to increase up to 3-4 litres and Also the amount of water depends on climatic factors to a higher temperature, the greater must absorb the body of the person;
  5. physical activity. For the normal functioning of the human body, the normal levels of exchange of substances require physical efforts. If there is time and more money to the visit of the sports facilities, is sufficient to do exercise in the morning and by day spend a minimum of 5 km With a very simple diet and even small physical exertion that the body of the standard can be fast enough;
  6. also important is the dream. That should last an average of 8 hours, when it starts to run out in the man decreases the immunity.

Rules for a simple diet

good food for weight loss

Today there are hundreds of diets to lose weight, that allow the week to launch a couple of kilos.

Products on which they are based, must have the following properties:

  1. availability. Assumes the possibility of the purchase of the products of this menu in any store. The food for the diet is popular enough, it will change only the methods of its processing and the weight of the portion;
  2. the susceptibility of the organism. The man should not be allergic reactions to the products used in the food during the diet. It will be even more difficult to hit, if the call of the reluctance or do not like the taste;
  3. the preparation must be done quickly. Choose a diet where all the components are prepared, without any cost, time and effort.

The important principles of the simple diet

As they say the people who have already proven itself the effectiveness of a simple diet, depending on the initial weight per week can lower minimum weight of 4 kilograms.

The simplest diet should be based on certain principles.

  1. The diet may not contradict the fundamentals of nutrition, weight-loss should be natural;
  2. Must be permanent counting calories. On average, the standard of not more than 1600 kcal per day;
  3. In the diet has to assist the cellular tissue, that perfectly cleanses the body of toxins;
  4. Meals should be higher, however, the portion may not exceed 200, This principle will help the body to adapt to the mode of burning fat, and will not be very overload;
  5. Categorically, it is not recommended that you skip meals. This can worsen the condition of the stomach and can have a negative influence on the epidermis of the skin;
  6. In the menu must be present in fruits and vegetables, this will help to satisfy the hunger of vitamins and other beneficial substances;
  7. Another important rule is to slow, the consumption of food. A receipt should occupy not less than 20 minutes.

To numb the feeling of hunger, it is recommended to drink a glass of water before meals. The last time that there is a minimum of 4 hours before sleep, but not before 6 in the evening.

Sample menu simple diet

We invite you to get acquainted with the classical variant of thinning, it can be taken by the base, the creation of your diet.

The first menu.

  • Breakfast: oatmeal, apple and coffee;
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, 200 g of fish and the same amount of stew of carrots;
  • Snack: 1 piece of fruit and a glass of compote;
  • Dinner: boiled vegetables, a glass of kefir, orange.

After this, it is allowed to drink only water. The best result is achieved, if the dream is not complete. Still, as the doctors say, simple diet for a week is considered good for the prevention of different diseases.

The second menu.

menu for weight loss
  • Breakfast: oatmeal, sugar-apple, fruit salad, put fat free sour cream or yogurt, tea infused with Daisy or mint, and non-fat cottage cheese with fruit;
  • Food: First course – soup of any type of vegetables, the ear of lean species of fish, of chicken broth. The second dish of fish, cooked, steamed, or boiled, lean meat. Side dishes: casseroles and cooked vegetables, a stew of vegetables;
  • Snack: fruits, natural juices or preserves;
  • Dinner: vegetable salads, such as the petrol station, you can use olive oil or lemon juice. Kefir, fat cheese and citrus fruit.

Following the proposal of the letter, as through a small amount of time that you will be able to determine the amount of food they need to lead a normal life without the whole set of excess weight.