author Luigi Bezamat

The name of:
Luigi Bezamat


  • An allergy diet helps reduce the strain of immunity in the presence of violations of its work (autoimmune diseases) and if it has not yet formed (in infants). The article provides a list of hypoallergenic foods, a list of prohibited foods, nutritional recommendations for nursing mothers.
    5 October 2022
  • The essence of the diet of the 6 petals, allowed and prohibited foods, contraindications. Menu for every day, go off the diet. Kitchen Recipes.
    7 October 2020
  • The effectiveness of the pills for weight loss depends on the compliance of the instructions of your reception. How to take slimming pills.
    2 June 2019
  • In this article, we will talk about how to lose weight at home, do not torture it with hours of training, and difficult of diets.
    24 April 2019
  • The complex of effective exercises for the sides - how to do properly in the home. What to do for the fat is not delayed in the waist of the woman.
    17 March 2019